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What you Can Get From Gingseng Supplements

Supplements are divided into two, based on their origins; they are chemical and natural supplement. Chemical supplement is supplement that is made...

on Nov 27, 2015

Vitamins for Health : A Deeper Look into Vitamin E

The antioxidants vitamin E helps stop the natrual signs of aging. Severe deficiencies of Vitamin E are rare, though some people may not be getting...

on Nov 17, 2015

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng supplements can give you the much-needed relief from stress and exhaustion. These days, stress is a common phenomenon. Whether it is at the...

on Nov 11, 2015

The Many Benefits of the Garlic

Garlic is an herb, which boasts of a number of great benefits. It is widely used in cooking because of its beneficial properties. You may take...

on Oct 7, 2015

Benefits and Uses of Molybdenum

Molybdenum is a mineral that is commonly found in food items like leafy vegetables, organ meats, grains, legumes and milk. Molybdenum is stored in...

on Sep 21, 2015

by Administrator on May 9, 2015

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally secreted by the pineal gland. the amino acid called tryptophan produces melatonin to help regulate sleep patterns.  Melatonin conveys signals from the brain to other parts of the body to trigger sleep and helps regulate the circadian rhythms of the body.

Melatonin Supplements

A typical dose of melatonin ranges from 1 mg to 5 mg.  At this dose, cause your body's melatonin levels to rise in the blood leading utlimately drowsiness and sleep.  The higher the dose doesn't necessary mean that you are more likely to sleep.  Try different amounts to find what levels work best for your body. 

Long time suffers of insomnia might find benefits of using melatonin with other natural sleep aids like taking l-tryptophan directly.

Melatonin Side Effects

The most common side effect of melatonin is sleepiness during daytime; however tend to be considerable less than what you would experience with tranquilizers or sedatives.  Mild headaches can be troublesome for some people.

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